6 ways to nurture new believers

Key Text: Galatians 6:1-3

Just as a person cannot geographically be “East and West” at the same time so a “Christian” (a follower of Christ) should never be labeled as “mean.” It should be an oxymoronic statement that the church has “Mean Christians” filling the pews. The example of Jesus yields the fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, good, faith, meekness, and temperance. 1 John 4:8, (NIV) tell us, “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

When it comes to nurturing new believers (and everyone) God has called us to pure unadulterated love. God calls us to “bear one another’s burdens, and so we fulfill the law of Christ.” In the economy of God no one is greater than another. We all stand equal in the eyes of Jesus Christ.

Read: 1 John 4:20 - 21; Read: James 3:5 - 10

Suggestions for Nurturing New Believers:

  1. Do you remember the golden rule? “Do unto others as you would have them to do you.” Allow the love of God to rule in your heart as you bear the burdens of others.  

  2. Every member should make an effort to be friendly and stretch beyond their circle of friends. Don’t expect the greeters to do all the welcoming. If you’re sitting by someone you don’t know, introduce yourself and get acquainted.

  3. Potlucks are an opportunity to get to know people. Invite visitors and new members to sit at your table. Most people like to feel as if they are a part of the group so please invite people to join you. Some studies show that “new believers” need 6-7 close friends in the church to remain.

  4. Invite new believers to your home for a fellowship meal. Remember, the “new believer” may not know all the customs of your home, dietary practices, and the sabbatical practices of your home. Care for them as you would care for a new born baby!

  5. New believers may be new to the Adventist Church, however they may not be new to Jesus Christ. Most converts to Adventism have left a prior faith community. “New Believers” should work in the church. “Ushers, greeters, team members…etc.” They too must use their spiritual gifts.

  6. New Believers need to be intentionally discipled in the Word of God. Discipleship in the forms of Sabbath School class, Discipleship Training, mentorship, etc.

No church will grow or go very far if its not nurturing its new believers.  The name of the game is letting Christ's love reign supreme in your every interaction.  Don't spoil your evangelistic efforts by turning off new believers once they visit.  Let the love of Christ constrain you as you nurture your new believers in the faith.

Posted on February 20, 2016 .